So it's been a few weeks since my last post. I have definitely been really busy for the last month or so because of school. Trying to balance five courses, a part time job, various extracurricular activities, time for family/boyfriend/friends and time for yourself can get really tricky. Well that's quite the understatement, yet somehow I manage; sometimes poorly, sometimes not. So really, I've been keeping myself plenty busy with everything.
In any case, I just wanted to post something mainly for the purposes of letting my readers, whoever you are, know that I am still alive and kicking.
I do want to say that after working at the university full time over the summer then coming back to school and classes in September was a bit of a transition. This was probably because over the summer there was barely anyone at the university. So the hallways were clear of students rushing to and from classes, line ups in MacEwan Student Center (which has UofC's main food court area) were non-existent, as well as many other things. Now it's a challenge to get from one class to another because of all the traffic in the hallways and lunch hours can get pretty ridiculous with all the lines and bodies that populate MacEwan Center. So not only can this can a bit overwhelming the first week back (even though I'm not a first year anymore) but because one of my biggest pet peeve's involve the hallways. My regular walking pace tends to be a lot faster than most people's or so it seems but I'm not sure if it's just because I walk fast or other people just generally walk really slow, I'm not sure, but traffic in the hallways can get absurd. Not only is it very frustrating when people walk at a turtle's pace, but it's even worse when people walk in groups that span the width of the hall and the lot of them are walking at a turtle's pace. So not only are they being slow, but they're taking up a ridiculous amount of space and no can get around them. This can get very irritating, especially when you need to go from one end of campus to the other in less than ten minutes to get to your next class.
Another pet peeve of mine that seems to be a big source of frustration recently are people who don't know how to wait their turn. More specifically, I very much dislike it when people try to cram themselves in trains, elevators or classrooms while other people are trying to get out. Seriously, this will go a lot faster if you let people out first and wait for your turn. You would think this is common sense. Unfortunately, it seems that common sense is not very, well, common anymore. It's just sad...
Okay I'm done ranting... I think. I'll leave my other rants for a different day.
So to wrap this up, I'd like ask: What's your pet peeve? For those of you who actually read my blog, I'm curious. Leave me a comment!
Cheerios, and good night for now!
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